Software, Artificial IntelligenceThe robot that became human / A robot aki emberré lettRead moreJune 19, 2022/0 Comments/by admin 0 0 admin admin2022-06-19 13:07:182022-07-23 08:11:43The robot that became human / A robot aki emberré lett
Ideas, Software, Artificial IntelligenceAI and (=Dr. House) – or how AI met my mother in a mindblowing wayRead moreJune 1, 2021/0 Comments/by admin 0 0 admin admin2021-06-01 09:52:192022-07-23 08:12:59AI and (=Dr. House) – or how AI met my mother in a mindblowing way
Software, Artificial IntelligenceThe final word about agile. It is dead. Not dead. Or…what? (and, of course: Kanban boards)Read moreJanuary 13, 2020/0 Comments/by admin 0 0 admin admin2020-01-13 16:57:422023-04-10 09:41:40The final word about agile. It is dead. Not dead. Or…what? (and, of course: Kanban boards)